
Enrique Mallen

Enrique Mallen, Ph.D.

Professor, Sam Houston State University

Dr. Enrique Mallen earned his PhD in Linguistics from Cornell University. He is Professor in the Department of World Languages and Cultures at Sam Houston State University. He has published numerous articles and books on linguistics, poetic language, semiotics and art history. Since 1997 he is director of the Online Picasso Project, a Digital Humanities publication dedicated to the analysis and dissemination of the works by the multilingual and multidisciplinary Pablo Picasso. Among his books are: Pablo Picasso: A Period of Transformation (1906-1916) (2023), Pablo Picasso and Dora Maar: A Period of Conflict (1936-1946) (2021), Pablo Picasso: The Aphrodite Period (1924-1936) (2020), Eduardo Espina: Poesía del Deslenguaje (2019), Pablo Picasso: The Interaction Between Collectors and Exhibitions, 1899-1939 (2018), Pablo Picasso: A Critical Chronology (2017), La Pulsión del Lenguaje: Diálogos y Poemas de José Kozer (2015), La Muerte y la Máscara en Pablo Picasso (2013), A Concordance of Pablo Picasso's French Writings (2010), A Concordance of Pablo Picasso's Spanish Writings (2009), Antología Crítica de la Poesía del Lenguaje (2009), Poesía del Lenguaje: De T. S. Eliot a Eduardo Espina (2008), La Sintaxis de la Carne: Pablo Picasso y Marie-Thérèse Walter (2005), The Visual Grammar of Pablo Picasso (2003) and Con/figuración Sintáctica: Poesía del Des/lenguaje (2002).

Previous Speakers

Enrique Mallen

Enrique Mallen, Ph.D.

Professor, Sam Houston State University

Dr. Enrique Mallen earned his PhD in Linguistics from Cornell University. He is Professor in the Department of World Languages and Cultures at Sam Houston State University. He has published numerous articles and books on linguistics, poetic language, semiotics and art history. Since 1997 he is director of the Online Picasso Project, a Digital Humanities publication dedicated to the analysis and dissemination of the works by the multilingual and multidisciplinary Pablo Picasso. Among his books are: Pablo Picasso: A Period of Transformation (1906-1916) (2023), Pablo Picasso and Dora Maar: A Period of Conflict (1936-1946) (2021), Pablo Picasso: The Aphrodite Period (1924-1936) (2020), Eduardo Espina: Poesía del Deslenguaje (2019), Pablo Picasso: The Interaction Between Collectors and Exhibitions, 1899-1939 (2018), Pablo Picasso: A Critical Chronology (2017), La Pulsión del Lenguaje: Diálogos y Poemas de José Kozer (2015), La Muerte y la Máscara en Pablo Picasso (2013), A Concordance of Pablo Picasso's French Writings (2010), A Concordance of Pablo Picasso's Spanish Writings (2009), Antología Crítica de la Poesía del Lenguaje (2009), Poesía del Lenguaje: De T. S. Eliot a Eduardo Espina (2008), La Sintaxis de la Carne: Pablo Picasso y Marie-Thérèse Walter (2005), The Visual Grammar of Pablo Picasso (2003) and Con/figuración Sintáctica: Poesía del Des/lenguaje (2002).

Enrique Mallen

Cristinel Munteanu, Ph.D.

Professor, Faculty of Communication and International Relations, Danubius University of Galati

Cristinel Munteanu (PhD 2006 and 2018) is currently full professor at "Danubius" University of Galați (Romania) and director of the Center for Hermeneutics "Symbols and Texts" at the same university. He is also affiliated to the Doctoral School of Philology, within IOSUD University of Pitești. He earned his first PhD (in philology) in 2006 with a thesis on phraseological synonymy in Romanian and his second PhD (in philosophy) in 2018 with a thesis on John Dewey's "theory of inquiry" considered as a sui generis type of hermeneutics. His main research interests lie in phraseology, text linguistics, hermeneutics, semiotics, philosophy of language and the history of linguistic ideas, with a special focus on Integral Linguistics. His books include Sinonimia frazeologică în limba română (2007), Lingvistica integrală coşeriană (2012), Frazeologie românească (2013), Tradition and Innovation in Language and Linguistics (Peter Lang, 2017), John Dewey și problema sensului (2019). He has published over 200 articles and edited texts by Tobias Peucer, Bogdan P. Hasdeu and Eugenio Coseriu. He also edited (in collaboration with Klaas Willems) the volume Eugenio Coseriu. Past, Present and Future (De Gruyter, 2021). He is the editor-in-chief of Acta Universitatis Danubius. Communicatio (Galați) and a member of the editorial board and/or scientific board of journals such as Fonetică și Dialectologie (Bucharest), Limba română (Chișinău) and Energeia. Online Journal for Linguistics, Language Philosophy and History of Linguistics (Zürich).