The International Conference on Art, Design and Social Sciences (ICADSS 2022) was a hybird conference which includes several workshops (offline and online) around the world. Dr. Enrique Mallen from Sam Houston State University has chaired the workshop on related topics. ICADSS 2022 provided the participants with good opportunities to exchange ideas and build networks, and it will lead to further collaborations between both universities and other societies.


Sam Houston State University, USA

Organizer: Dr. Enrique Mallen, Professor in Sam Houston State University

Vocabulary instruction must be explicit, providing easy-to-understand definitions presented directly to learners along with multiple examples and nonexamples of the target word, brief discussion opportunities, and checks for understanding. One principle of effective vocabulary learning is to provide multiple exposures to a word's meaning. There is great improvement in vocabulary when learners encounter vocabulary words often. Learners probably have to see a word more than once to place it firmly in their long-term memories. This does not mean mere repetition or drill of the word, but seeing the word in different and multiple contexts. In other words, it is important that vocabulary instruction provide students with opportunities to encounter words repeatedly and in more than one context. Vocabulary instruction must include multiple practice opportunities for using words within and across subjects. That is, instruction must be extended over time with opportunities for students to hear, speak, read, and write words in various contexts. This builds students' breadth and depth of vocabulary knowledge.